As you guys know we have been going to Mexico for the last few years on missions’ trips. Helping and encouraging at the 2 Fish, jail, prison, and marriage and youth ministries and evangelizing on the streets and in the villages. This year 2021 we are excited to let you know that God has been talking to us and we are going to Mexico again to encourage our brothers and sisters. They are still fighting the battle the virus has caused to the church body. From leadership falling away or dying because of the virus to people abandoning their faith from fear and not having the willingness of any missionaries to come for a whole year. As the Hernandez crew we have decided to go on this mission’s trip, to encourage Pastor Conrad and his wife Heidi to continue to keep going strong as they have been struggling with many things. Their health, the church, missions, and the ministry. The church and the youth building also need attention, which we are hoping to be able to help how we can. The work is GREAT but the laborers are so few!
So, we are reaching out to you all to join us in this effort to beat the enemy and his tactics concerning this virus and all the effects from it. Through only the love of Christ, iron sharpening iron and being doers of the word can we build each other up. We are trying to raise funds to help the body of believers and all the things they must care for. There they have the youth building roof that needs replaced (from damaging high winds), the church needs painting, the fence welded and painted, the mission center needs painted, 2 fish cleaned up and their food supply is low. My Word is there a lot that needs done and our brothers and sisters need the encouragement now more than ever! SO, we are going and actually a lot sooner than we planned hoping to leave by 14th-16th due to other issues arising and time frame. We had quite a few interests in going and working with us, but it seems like it is just us so far. Although, the door is open for anyone who would like to come and join in the efforts to pull this part of the body back together. We just feel the Lord calling us to do this. We ask you please to join us in this missions trip by prayer, and support or again if you would like to come please contact us @ or 719-580-4093 IF you would like a receipt for donations send ( missions # 1305 and put Mexico trip in the memo. Thank you all above what we could ever express, and may God bless you as you bless us and together, we bless others!
