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If time were money we’d be Poor.

No matter how hard we try there’s never enough time. There’s always some function, event, or something that needs to be done. We left on our missions trip to Mexico May 18 now being July 6 a month and a half we’ve been home all together maybe two weeks. In the mist of all of our running and chaos it can be so easy to lose track of focus. Often we feel like since we are going and doing so much but surely we are accomplishing much. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. We can so easily get distracted by the enemies distractions of good things that we forget God‘s will in our life. Over the last several weeks we have done a missions trip to Mexico, a Bible camp, homeschool conference, home church,

and 2 separate trips to New Mexico to help Grandma finish moving out of her house and moving in with us. All of these things have been good things to do. But in the midst of all of this we have slacked on our family Bible reading, on our family prayer time, and ultimately on our family. When you feel like you’re doing more than you can handle it’s usually time to stop and reevaluate the situation. So, as we prepare for another family camp tomorrow and a trip for a missions conference to Texas next week I’m trying to take advantage of sitting and nursing the babies, reading books to the toddlers, and conversing with the teenagers. Time is too precious to not use it wisely and boy am I thankful it’s not money or I would be poor.

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