With six days before we leave, everybody is in hustle bustle motor around our house. There are several discussions all going on at the same time, ranging from help with schoolwork, work schedules, things that need done in the bus, and how God is going to manage to get all 10 of us in the bus and on the road for this long of duration.
i'm thankful we started with our projects a couple weeks ago to get this all headed in the right direction to finalize this trip to Chiapas Mexico. but I'll be honest the days have been hard. I'm trying to keep everybody on track with what's supposed to be going on, what's really going on, and what really needs to be done before we leave.
I truly am thankful though as things are coming together day by day we are even still practicing our music consistently since on our way to Mexico we are blessed with an opportunity to minister at a church body in Texas.
With so much going on, and something different by the hour with all the same goal in mind I am just grateful that we serve the Almighty God. With him all things are possible.
Lord willing, I will plan to try to update as we go on here so please be looking out for what's going on that is of course when we have service. God bless all of you and we hope you have a very blessed Christmas merry Christmas to you all!!!